Malaysia’s Affordable Housing Limits: One Home per Citizen to be Enforced

  • 11 months ago
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The 12MP MTR reveals plans to enforce a one-house-per-citizen policy for affordable housing, develop housing databases, and more.

Kuala Lumpur, 11 Sep 2023 – The enforcement of a regulation allowing each eligible citizen to purchase only one affordable house is set to become a reality, aimed at ensuring a sustainable supply of affordable housing. This measure is part of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP), as disclosed by the Ministry of Economy.

To support this initiative, a housing database will be established, facilitating precise cross-qualification checks of ownership details with relevant authorities. Additionally, a comprehensive land inventory system will be developed, encompassing all waqf (endowment) land data, to identify suitable land for affordable housing projects.

Collaboration with state religious councils and relevant agencies will expedite the development of affordable housing on waqf land, further bolstering the nation’s affordable housing inventory.

The MTR outlines plans to enforce regulations pertaining to the exit policy for public housing. This will include the formulation of guidelines and procedures allowing overqualified tenants to transition to more suitable housing options. Furthermore, the existing 10-year moratorium on house resale will be expanded to include all public housing units.

A comprehensive study will be conducted to explore strategies for managing the supply of affordable housing in the secondary market. The development of a national housing action plan will identify genuine housing needs, aligning government housing programs with the concept of shelter as a fundamental human right, rather than merely ownership.

This transition aims to support the “Big Bold Housing” initiative for the people, with active participation from both the public and private sectors in providing secure, affordable, and safe housing.

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